ISCD Workshop in Sheraton Grand Samsun Hotel
On July 16, 2017 at the Grand Sheraton hotel the delegates of the International Sports Committee of the Deaf gathered to express their opinion and to give the feedback on the development of deaf sports around the world.
On the agenda the main issues that were discussed were the relationship with the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee as well as the delegates discussed the anti-doping rules and audiograms. Also, proposals were made for the 46th ICSD Congress.
Mr. Mohammad Pargar of Asia/Pacific (APDSC), Mr. Mohamed Madun of Africa (CADS), Mr. Bjorn Broine of Europe (EDSO) and Mr. Gustavo Perazzolo of Pan America (PANAMDES) made the presentation of their work. All four confederations are recognised by ICSD.
The Workshop was held in a working atmosphere, the delegates were active in discussing issues and solving the problems of the deaf sports development. The results of the Seminar will be considered in working session of the 46th ICSD Congress.